

Ideas and suggested outlines for a UNIV 2010 Paper on MUSIC...


The listing of suggested Paper Topics for UNIV 2010 gives us the following:

-- Art and Religion in the Christian World.

-- Music as a Reflection of Nature


If you want to proceed with a UNIV 2010 Paper on MUSIC, you might want to proceed as follows:

1) If you want to do “Christianity Influencing Music: A Brief Historical Review”: You might want to follow the following outline:

I. Introduction / Objectives

II. Christian Music: Overview/Characteristics

III. Tracing/Describing the History of Christian Influence on Music:

(a) In the West: Europe, the Americas

(b) In the East

(c) Focus on [Country X]



IV. Summary & Conclusions

V. Areas for Further Study

2) If you want to do “Music as a Reflection of Nature” OR “Music: I Need You”: You might want to follow the following outline:

I. Introduction / Objectives

II. Music as Art Form

III. Music and the Human Being:

“La música tiene algo misterioso; algo que, también por eso, se revela especialmente encantador y profundo....”

(a) The Human Person as composite of Body and Soul

(b) The Human Soul: Intellect and Will

(c) Human Affectivity

(d) Music impacting on the Human Person.

(e) Special Role of Christian Music.



IV. Summary & Conclusions

V. Areas for Further Study


Music as a Christian Art: http://catholiceducation.org/articles/arts/al0213.html

Look at the rich material (on Music, Values, & Christianity) that arvo.net has!!!


Asumir el Pasado Cristiano: http://arvo.net/europa-raices-luces-y-sombra/asumir-el-pasado-cristiano/gmx-niv102-con10134.htm

La Música Clásica: http://arvo.net/pdf/cult-musi-clas.pdf

“Hablar hoy de música clásica produce considerables equívocos en muchos ambientes. Si la música es de por sí un arte misterioso, lábil y reacio a la objetividad, parece que lo clásico sólo sea ya para muchos un prejuicio autoritario y elitista, una cualificación repudiada, marginada, prejuzgada y descalificada, sin que se sueñe que pueda ser objetivamente valiosa.”

Sobreviviendo en el comunismo por medio de la música: http://arvo.net/musica/musica/gmx-niv95-con15501.htm

Los <Beatles> y el Amor: http://arvo.net/musica/los-beatles-y-el-amor/gmx-niv95-con10091.htm

La Música en el Cine:


APORTACIÓN FEMENINA A LA CREACIÓN MUSICAL CINEMATOGRÁFICA: http://arvo.net/la-musica-en-el-cine/la-musica-en-el-cine/gmx-niv421-con16346.htm

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